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How To Save Money On Car Insurance

Written by Sahar

Cheap car insurance UAE in UAE is not a myth. It is an achievable goal. But how? Let’s dive in.

Let’s be real. We could all use a discount. In the current economy, it takes an effort to stay solvent. There’s rent to pay, groceries, school fees, and the ever-rising cost of living in the UAE. To find an avenue where costs can be mitigated isn’t easy, but not impossible. What if we were to tell you we had tips for cheap car insurance policies?

Car insurance is mandatory in the UAE, and for a good reason. It protects you and others on the road. It is also a great way to invest in offsetting any unforeseeable damage in the future. Yet it isn’t always affordable. Car insurance premiums are a monthly expense, and depending on how steep the premium is, and it can put a serious dent in your pocket.

Of course, there are affordable options. c However, it only protects those injured or from damage caused by your negligence. When it comes to damages or injuries that you have sustained, ThirdParty Liability insurance doesn’t provide any cover.

Then there’s Comprehensive Coverage. As the name suggests, it encompasses all kinds of protection you need on the road. However, it can be pricy, especially if you add many valuable features that aren’t originally part of the plan.

So how do you make sure you keep the premium low but the coverage high? Here are a few tips and clues to guide you when buying car insurance.

What Are You Driving?

The vehicle you own can have a big impact on your ultimate premium. Sure, sports cars and luxury vehicles look great, and they are a treat to drive but are they practical? Newer models indeed have safety features that minimize insurance, but the more expensive your car, the higher the premium. On the flip side, second-hand cars and older models aren’t expensive to insure, but they pose greater security risks on the road. A neat trick is to get a well-maintained second-hand car to get cheap car insurance quotes.

Research and Compare

Whether buying car insurance from scratch or switching providers before renewal, always conduct thorough research. There are countless car insurance comparison sites online. They provide cheap car insurance quotes and update features according to your requirements. The more you compare, the more likely you will find cheap car insurance options.

You can also compare car insurance policies to get cheap car insurance in UAE online. It is known to save time for busy people. Many options are available within seconds, and acquiring insurance takes less than 60 minutes.

Spruce Up Your Vehicle

As we mentioned in our first point – insurance providers set car insurance premiums based on your vehicle. Keeping this in mind, you should get any modifications to your car before getting it insured. Adding security features like alarm systems etc., is also a great idea. The insurance provider will assess your car to determine its road-worthy and decide your premium accordingly.

Furthermore, be very careful when choosing add-ons for your policy. They cost extra and sometimes aren’t needed. Keeping the essentials can help you reduce premiums and gain cheap car insurance in UAE.

Curb Your Kilometers

Second-hand cars can be great options for cheap car insurance in UAE, but they are also insecure. High-risk vehicles are charged a higher premium. But what does high-risk mean? Cars that rack up a higher mileage and have been in service for a long time are deemed high-risk for frequent breakdowns and constant need of repair. You can offset this risk by reducing your mileage. Try carpooling with colleagues, so your car is only used a few times a week, or hire rideshare for longer journeys. It will allow you to reduce the risk and enjoy cheap car insurance quotes simultaneously.

Excess and Deductibles

An excess/deductible is the amount you commit to paying in case of any damages that occur. It could include accidental damage, theft, or general repair. A low excess means a higher premium because the insurance provider takes the most responsibility for the payout. But if you want cheap car insurance quotes, have a stellar record, and are very contentious about how you drive and care for your car, you can opt for a higher excess. It will lower your premium exponentially.

No-Claims Certificate

Many policyholders are unaware of the No-Claims Certificate. It is a major reward for policyholders who haven’t made a single claim in the duration of their policy. Those seeking cheap car insurance in UAE can use the no-claims discount to get a chunk of their premium reduced. It is even applicable if you’re switching providers. The new insurance company will also endorse the no-claims certificate and offer a discount. It is great to have on your insurance record because it distinguishes you as a reliable policyholder and a low-risk client.

Bulk Buying

Another great way to get cheap car insurance in UAE is to ensure a few things. One option could be insuring multiple cars. This option is best for those who own a fleet of cars they rent out regularly. When you insure so many cars, the risk can be distributed along with many products, and the premium is reduced considerably.

But of course, not everyone can afford more than one car. For households with more than three people, you can opt for health and medical insurance from the same company to get a discount on your car insurance. Add home insurance, and you’re looking at a discounted and cheap insurance.

Stay On Top of Deals

Your relationship with the car insurance market shouldn’t be limited to buying car insurance and then forgetting about it. Keep up to date on what’s going on in the market and on sales, if any, making the rounds. Your car insurance provider might not want you to find out about new deals in the market. It is why you should consult an online comparison firm like BuyAnyInsurance. Their experts keep you informed of new deals and better options that suit your profile, so cheap car insurance isn’t a dream but a reality for you.

Cheap car insurance in Dubai can be found. You need to know where to look and a few tricks of the trade. We hope this article was helpful and inspired some ideas.


What is the grace period?

Car insurance plans come with a grace period of 30 days. These 30 days are a part of 13 months that is the duration of your insurance plan.

Can my insurance plan expire?

Yes! Your insurance plan expires once its tenure is over. You need to renew your insurance plan.

Where can I get cheap car insurance with roadside assistance?

A*A car insurance can provide you with the best rates for the car insurance with roadside assistance. However, it’s not necessary that their insurance plan covers what you are looking for. You can compare quotes from different companies from BuyAnyInsurance and choose the one that offers best rates along with an affordable payment plan.

Can I get cheap car insurance quotes online?

Yes! There are several companies that offer on average cheap rates! You can compare the quotes from various companies online on BuyAnyInsurance!

Where can I get cheap car insurance young drivers?

Fortunately Yes! There are still a few companies that are offering minimal rates for the teen drivers! You can compare and choose the best insurance for you at BuyAnyInsurance!

Is car insurance cheap in the UAE?

Cars with the market price of 300,000 have to pay 2.75% as insurance rate!

How to get the cheap car insurance 4⤫4?

You can get the discounts over  4⤫4 car insurance if you are the member of owners club!

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    Originally published Oct 30, 2020 11:46:00 AM, updated Jun 06, 2024

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